E-Signing Goes Mainstream at DGS

As green efforts advance within state business and beyond, DGS’ Office of Business and Acquisition Services (OBAS) is delighted to announce it completed the first electronically signed service contract!

A print services contract was executed with a California Small Business to assist the Office of State Publishing in producing English and Spanish versions of First 5 California’s “Kit for New Parents.” The electronic contract documents were sent to the vendor at 11:14 a.m., signed by the vendor at 11:19 a.m., and signed by DGS at 3:15 p.m.

Previously, the contract would have been emailed to the vendor with instructions to print, sign and snail mail it back to DGS. It would then go through internal mail, route to the right person in the program for signature, and then route back to OBAS through internal mail for completion. The e-signature saves days, if not weeks, for a vendor to complete and DGS to finalize a contract. We’re now saving time, eliminating paper, and making it easier for vendors to do business with DGS.

This process evolved in 2017 with the development and release of Management Memo 17-03.

DGS sends a huge thanks to OBAS, Enterprise Technology Solutions, Procurement Division, Office of Legal Services, the State Controller’s Office and all of the partners involved in this process for making this a success.


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